Compositional Heatmaps

Example 1.1

We first import the packages used in this tutorial.

# Import libraries

We also import Tengeler2020 from the mia package and store it into a variable.

# Load dataset and store it into tse
data("Tengeler2020", package = "mia")
tse <- Tengeler2020

Next, we transform the counts assay to relative abundance assay and store it into the TreeSE.

# Transform counts to relative abundances
tse <- transformAssay(tse, method = "relabundance")

Then, we agglomerate the experiment to the order level, so that information is more condensed and therefore easier to visualise and interpret.

# Agglomerate by order
tse_order <- agglomerateByRank(tse, rank = "Order")

Why relative abundances?

Microbiome data is compositional. Relative abundance helps us draw less biased comparisons between samples.

Show code
# Import packages

# Plot composition by counts
counts_bar <- plotAbundance(tse_order, rank = "Phylum", use_relative = FALSE) +

# Plot composition by relative abundance
relab_bar <- plotAbundance(tse_order, rank = "Phylum", use_relative = TRUE) +
  ylab("Relative Abundance")

# Combine plots
(counts_bar | relab_bar) +
  plot_layout(guides = "collect")

Figure 1: Sample composition by counts (left) or relative abundance (right).

Example 1.2

To reduce data skewness, we further transform the relative abundance assay with the Centered-Log Ratio (CLR), which is defined as follows:

\[ clr = log \frac{x}{g(x)} = log(x)−log[g(x)] \]

where x is a feature and g(x) is the geometric mean of all features in a sample.

# Transform relative abundances to clr
tse_order <- transformAssay(tse_order,
                            assay.type = "relabundance",
                            method = "clr",
                            pseudocount = 1,
                            MARGIN = "samples")

Lastly, we get the row-wise z-scores of every feature from the clr assay to standardise abundances across samples.

# Transform clr to z
tse_order <- transformAssay(tse_order,
                            assay.type = "clr", 
                            method = "z",
                            name = "clr_z",
                            MARGIN = "features")

Example 1.3

Finally, we visualise the clr-z assay with ComplexHeatmap.

# Visualise clr-z assay with a heatmap
clrz_hm <- Heatmap(assay(tse_order, "clr_z"), name = "clr-z")

Figure 2: Heatmap of CLR-Z assay where columns correspond to samples and rows to taxa agglomerated by order.

Why clr-z transformation?

A CLR-z transformation improves comparability in two steps:

  1. Apply CLR transform to center features column-wise
  2. Find Z score to standardise features row-wise

Figure 3: Visual comparison between counts, relative abundance, clr and clr-z assays (from left to right).

Exercise 1

