distance-based Redundance Analysis (dbRDA)


To get started, we import Tengeler2020 from the mia package and store it into a variable.

# load dataset and store it into tse
data("Tengeler2020", package = "mia")
tse <- Tengeler2020

First off, we transform the counts assay to relative abundances and store the new assay back in the TreeSE.

tse <- transformAssay(tse, method = "relabundance")


RDA with Bray-Curtis index

tse <- runRDA(tse,
              formula = assay ~ patient_status + cohort,
              FUN = vegan::vegdist,
              method = "bray",
              assay.type = "relabundance")
p <- plotReducedDim(tse, "RDA",
                    colour_by = "patient_status",
                    shape_by = "cohort")
Figure 1: RDA plot with Bray-Curtis dissimilarity.

RDA with Aitchison distance

# perform clr transformation
tse <- transformAssay(tse,
                       assay.type = "relabundance",
                       method = "clr",
                       pseudocount = 1)

# run RDA
tse <- runRDA(tse,
              formula = assay ~ patient_status + cohort,
              FUN = vegan::vegdist,
              method = "euclidean",
              assay.type = "clr",
              name = "Aitchison")

# plot RDA
p <- plotReducedDim(tse, "Aitchison",
                    colour_by = "patient_status",
                    shape_by = "cohort")
Figure 2: RDA plot with Aitchison distance (CLR assay + Euclidian distance).

Significance testing

PERMANOVA analysis

rda <- attr(reducedDim(tse, "RDA"), "obj")

terms_permanova <- anova.cca(rda,
                             permutations = 99)

margin_permanova <- anova.cca(rda,
                              by = "margin",
                              permutations = 99)
Table 1: Results of PERMANOVA on patient_status and cohort groups.
Df SumOfSqs F Pr(>F) Total variance Explained variance
Model 3 0.6823806 1.0731820 0.39 5.557215 0.1227918
patient_status 1 0.3789554 1.7879527 0.13 5.557215 0.0681916
cohort 2 0.3212246 0.7577863 0.67 5.557215 0.0578032
Residual 23 4.8748344 NA NA 5.557215 0.8772082

Test homogeneity assumption

homo1 <- anova(betadisper(vegdist(t(assay(tse, "relabundance"))), tse$patient_status))
homo2 <- anova(betadisper(vegdist(t(assay(tse, "relabundance"))), tse$cohort))
Table 2: Results of betadisper test on homogeneity.
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
patient_status 1 0.0012087 0.0012087 0.0891227 0.7677628
cohort 2 0.0017934 0.0008967 0.0726010 0.9301753

RDA plot with weights

Figure 3: RDA plot of samples coloured by patient status. The arrows indicate the percentage of variance in beta diversity explained by the patient status or cohort and the respective p-value.