Multivariate analysis

Multivariate analysis

  • Multiple variables
  • Different methods
    • Ordination-based methods
    • Clustering
    • Classification, …


  • Beta diversity: diversity between microbial communities
  • Simplify and visualize high-dimensional data
  • Projects data into lower dimensional latent space

Matrix factorization

  • Decomposes complex data into components
  • Widely used and general technique
  • Methods vary based on goals and constraints

Ordination methods

  • Different methods
    • PCA, PCoA/MDS, RDA, …
  • Euclidean/non-Euclidean
  • Unsupervised/supervised

Principal component analysis (PCA)

  • Goal: Maximize the variance
  • Euclidean distance
  • Aitchison distance: CLR + Euclidean distance

Example 1.1: PCA

First we load an example dataset and apply robust clr transformation.

Show code
tse <- Tengeler2020
# Transform data
tse <- transformAssay(tse, method = "rclr")

Then we perform PCA with runPCA()function available in scater package.

Show code

tse <- runPCA(
    assay.type = "rclr"

We can retrieve a list of all reduced dimensions with reducedDims().

Show code
List of length 1
names(1): PCA

If you need only their names, these can be accessed with reducedDimNames().

Show code
[1] "PCA"

And the results can be accessed with reducedDim(tse, "PCA").

Show code
reducedDim(tse, "PCA") |> head()
            PC1       PC2         PC3        PC4        PC5        PC6
A110 -4.5035339 -2.456547 -2.11328100 -3.8634688  2.0123949 -0.3325532
A12   2.4156363  4.982008 -0.07545471  0.1898264 -1.3925704  1.2237517
A15  -2.7404749 -3.121391 -4.46833577  8.1698047 -2.5837119 -2.1243919
A19   0.7358807  7.090486 -1.00797353 -1.2989823  0.1064523 -3.3824751
A21   0.4648846  5.448022 -1.14685965 -0.8743427  1.2143298 -4.4323282
A23  -2.0686346 -1.954092 -2.61287624 -2.5249816 -3.0007937 -2.4024629
            PC7        PC8        PC9       PC10         PC11       PC12
A110 -0.8342411  1.0193914 -4.2216208  1.1932256  0.172707622 -2.3565927
A12  -0.3055218  0.7968376  0.4988079  2.7782003  0.551278116  0.4895880
A15  -1.3546507  1.5617929 -0.7468926 -0.7977925 -0.002285458 -1.9595096
A19   1.4979577  0.1788277 -0.9825262 -2.3851223 -2.018251650 -1.4132247
A21   1.6593740  0.5619416  0.6748281 -0.2531164 -1.974152848  0.7930157
A23  -2.5300350 -3.0190698  3.9427392  0.2632914  1.180388830  0.3831161
           PC13       PC14       PC15        PC16       PC17       PC18
A110  0.2449630 -1.2664497  1.4364113  0.89583856  0.8365374  0.4457789
A12  -1.4948351 -2.5473097 -0.8648291 -1.48252017 -0.7839398  0.1476567
A15   0.4154040 -0.2455156  0.1621916  0.33095787 -0.7875945 -0.0824129
A19   0.1953649  0.9069244  0.2419303  0.38847386  1.4955734  0.3421782
A21  -1.2728108  0.7827710 -0.8452163 -0.58884502 -1.9694914 -0.5016079
A23  -0.8302655 -0.2890572  2.1834383  0.09925442  0.3728412 -1.4058642
             PC19       PC20       PC21       PC22       PC23       PC24
A110  0.987010794 -1.0053150 -0.9899730  0.8829111 -0.2200736 -0.2975089
A12   0.114383997  0.5743782 -1.9702511 -0.4000117 -0.2989457 -1.0332134
A15  -0.517904963  0.1558602 -0.2901768 -0.1773831 -0.4550756 -0.1875868
A19   0.480395457  1.3345829  0.8691778 -0.5697885  0.2015948 -0.7871444
A21   0.006978105 -1.8347856 -0.6948813  0.4662380 -0.3698014  0.5050710
A23   0.516079026 -0.8406535  0.3192697  0.3128884 -0.1924474 -0.2425484
            PC25        PC26
A110 -0.60890560 -0.20643929
A12   0.51342549 -1.06913557
A15  -0.04222125  0.01149364
A19   1.10441000 -0.77053190
A21  -1.05782664  0.59576805
A23   0.74942196 -0.01116033

Example 1.2: Visualize PCA

PCA or other ordination results are usually visualized with scatter plot.

Show code
    dimred = "PCA",
    colour_by = "patient_status"

Example 1.3: PCA contributors

Some taxa contribute more than others to the generation of reduced dimensions.

Show code
plotLoadings(tse, "PCA", ncomponents = 2)

Exercises 1: PCA

  • 29.7.1 Reduced dimensions retrieval
  • 29.7.2 Visualization basics with PCA

Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA)

  • Goal: Preserve the dissimilarity structure
  • Non-Euclidean
  • Different dissimilarity metrics

When Euclidean distance is used, PCoA reduces to PCA.

Example 2.1: PCoA

We transform the counts assay to relative abundances and store the new assay back into the TreeSE.

Show code
# Transform counts to relative abundance
tse <- transformAssay(tse, method = "relabundance")

Here, we run PCoA on the relative abundance assay to reduce the dimensionality of the data. We set method to Bray-Curtis dissimilarity.

Show code
# Run PCoA with Bray-Curtis dissimilarity
tse <- runMDS(
    assay.type = "relabundance",
    FUN = getDissimilarity,
    method = "bray"

We can see that now there are additional results in reducedDim.

Show code
[1] "PCA" "MDS"

Example 2.2: Visualize PCoA

Similarly to PCA, we can visualize PCoA with scatter plot.

Show code
    dimred = "MDS",
    colour_by = "patient_status"

Example 2.3: PCoA contributors

Loadings of PCoA cannot be interpreted as directly as PCA: “features that contribute the most to dissimilarity”.

Instead, we can calculate correlation between abundances and coordinates.

Show code
# Compute correlation between features and reduced dimensions
comp_loads <- apply(
    assay(tse, "relabundance"),
    MARGIN = 1, simplify = FALSE,
    function(x) cor(x, reducedDim(tse, "MDS"), method = "kendall")

# Prepare matrix of feature loadings
taxa_loads <-, comp_loads)
colnames(taxa_loads) <- paste0("MDS", seq(ncol(taxa_loads)))
rownames(taxa_loads) <- rownames(tse)

The top PCoA loadings for the first two dimensions are visualised below.

Show code
plotLoadings(taxa_loads, ncomponents = 2)

Exercises 2: PCoA

  • 29.7.3 Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA)

Redundancy analysis (RDA)

  • Supervised
  • How much covariate explains the differences in microbial profile?
  • Two steps
    1. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA)
    2. Maximizes the variance explained by covariates

Example 2.1: dbRDA

We can apply dbRDA with runRDA() function. formula tells how the method is applied; here “patient_status” and cohort are the explanatory variables.

Show code
# Run PCoA with Bray-Curtis dissimilarity
tse <- addRDA(
    formula = x ~ patient_status + cohort,
    assay.type = "relabundance",
    method = "bray"

Example 2.2.: Visualize dbRDA

We can visualize dbRDA results with plotReducedDim() or plotRDA() which have additional features.

Show code
    dimred = "RDA",
    colour_by = "patient_status"

Exercises 3: dbRDA

  • 29.7.5 Redundancy analysis (RDA)
  • 29.7.6 Beta diversity analysis


Find the top 5 contributor taxa for principal component 1.

Example 3.1: Other Distances

A different distance function can be specified with FUN, such as phylogenetic distance.

Show code
# Run PCoA with Unifrac distance
tse <- runMDS(
    assay.type = "counts",
    FUN = getDissimilarity,
    method = "unifrac",
    tree = rowTree(tse),
    ncomponents = 3,
    name = "Unifrac")

The number of dimensions to visualise can also be adjusted with ncomponents.

Show code
# Visualise Unifrac distance between samples
    ncomponents = 3,
    colour_by = "patient_status"

Example 3.2: Comparison

Different ordination methods return considerably different results, which can be compared to achieve a better understanding of the data.

Show code

# Generate plots for 
plots <- lapply(reducedDimNames(tse), function(name){
    plotReducedDim(tse, name, colour_by = "patient_status")

# Generate multi-panel plot
wrap_plots(plots) +
  plot_layout(guides = "collect") +
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A")

Exercise 3

Run MDS on the CLR assay with Euclidean distance and compare the results with the previous PCoA and PCA.


Make a plot with the first three dimensions, and a plot with the second and fourth dimensions.
