We use Quarto for reproducible documentation.
Next generation development of Rmarkdown
Largely compatible with Rmarkdown
Supported by RStudio
The pre-study material includes a link to Rmarkdown & Quarto tutorial videos. See OMA Exercise chapter: https://microbiome.github.io/OMA/exercises.html
Quarto enables you to weave together content and executable code into a finished presentation. To learn more, see https://quarto.org/docs/presentations/.
Programming paradigm introduced by Donald Knuth (1984) in which a computer program is given as an explanation of its logic in a natural language, embedded with code chunks, from which compilable source code can be generated.
(Adapted from Wikipedia)
Used in scientific computing and in data science for reproducible research and open access purposes.
Literate programming tools are used by millions of programmers today.
Let us first demonstrate Quarto.
OMA Exercise:
29.2.1 Reproducible reporting with Quarto
Now, initialize, render & modify Quarto document yourself
Create Quarto file (Rstudio has ready-made template)
Add a code chunk and name it
Render the file into pdf or html format
Import e.g., iris dataset, and add a dotplot with a title.
Create another code chunk and plot.
Adjust figure size
Hide code chunk from the report (see chunk options).
Add some text
Add R command within the text
Update HTML file from the qmd file & play around with the different options
For more tips, see Quarto tutorial
If you complete the task fast, spend a moment exploring further capabilities of Quarto
See OMA Exercises for Quarto.
Quarto tips & tricks & hacks?
Installing new packages
Importing new data sets to R for interactive data analysis: read.csv, read.biom etc. where to find examples (see OMA section on data import)
Comment the code to explain what each line or lines of code do. This facilitates later understanding, reuse, and transparency.
Avoid hard-coding define key variables in the beginning of the workflow. This makes it easier to modify parameters and reuse the code.
Summarize the main results in an understable way(!)