Installing R/RStudio

If you do not already have R/RStudio installed, do as follows.

  1. Install R
  2. Install RStudio
  3. With Windows, install also RTools (version corresponding to your R version)

Installing microbiome R package

Open R and install the package. If the installation fails, ensure from the RStudio tools panel that you have access to the Bioconductor repository.


Alternatively, to install the bleeding edge (potentially unstable) development version, run in R:

library(devtools) # Load the devtools package
install_github("microbiome/microbiome") # Install the package

Using the tools

Once the package has been installed, load it in R


For a brief overview, see the package vignette and the more extensive on-line tutorial.

Further reading

General instructions to install R packages

Most R packages are maintained in CRAN, Bioconductor or Github. To install the package from each, use:

# Installing from Bioconductor

# Installing from CRAN

# Installing from Github