6 Microbiome data exploration

Now we have loaded the data set into R. Next, let us walk through some basic operations for data exploration to confirm that the data has all the necessary components.

Chapters 4-6 in OMA provide many more examples on exploring and manipulating microbiome data.

6.1 Data structure

Let us now investigate how taxonomic profiling data is organized in R.

Dimensionality tells us how many taxa and samples the data contains. As we can see, there are 151 taxa and 27 samples.

## [1] 151  27

The rowData slot contains a taxonomic table. This includes taxonomic information for each of the 151 entries. With the head() command, we can print just the beginning of the table.

The rowData seems to contain information from 6 different taxonomy classes.

knitr::kable(head(rowData(tse))) %>% 
                            latex_options="scale_down") %>% 
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%")
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus
1726470 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Bacteroidaceae Bacteroides
1726471 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Bacteroidaceae Bacteroides
17264731 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Porphyromonadaceae Parabacteroides
17264726 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Bacteroidaceae Bacteroides
1726472 Bacteria Verrucomicrobia Verrucomicrobiae Verrucomicrobiales Verrucomicrobiaceae Akkermansia
17264724 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Bacteroidaceae Bacteroides

The colData slot contains sample metadata. It contains information for all 27 samples. However, here only the 6 first samples are shown as we use the head() command. There are 4 columns, that contain information, e.g., about patients’ status, and cohort.

knitr::kable(head(colData(tse))) %>% 
                            latex_options="scale_down") %>% 
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%")
patient_status cohort patient_status_vs_cohort sample_name
A110 ADHD Cohort_1 ADHD_Cohort_1 A110
A12 ADHD Cohort_1 ADHD_Cohort_1 A12
A15 ADHD Cohort_1 ADHD_Cohort_1 A15
A19 ADHD Cohort_1 ADHD_Cohort_1 A19
A21 ADHD Cohort_2 ADHD_Cohort_2 A21
A23 ADHD Cohort_2 ADHD_Cohort_2 A23

From here, we can draw summaries of the sample (column) data, for instance to see what is the patient status distribution.

The command colData(tse)$patient_status fetches the data from the column, and table() creates a table that shows how many times each class is present, and sort() sorts the table to ascending order.

There are 13 samples from patients having ADHD, and 14 control samples.

##    ADHD Control 
##      13      14

6.1.1 Transformations

Microbial abundances are typically ‘compositional’ (relative) in the current microbiome profiling data sets. This is due to technical aspects of the data generation process (see e.g. Gloor et al., 2017).

The next example calculates relative abundances as these are usually easier to interpret than plain counts. For some statistical models we need to transform the data into other formats as explained in above link (and as we will see later).

# Calculates relative abundances, and stores the table to assays
tse <- transformCounts(tse, method = "relabundance")

A variety of standard transformations for microbiome data are available for TSE data objects through mia R package.

6.1.2 Aggregation

Microbial species can be called at multiple taxonomic resolutions. We can easily agglomerate the data based on taxonomic ranks. Here, we agglomerate the data at Phylum level.

tse_phylum <- agglomerateByRank(tse, rank = "Phylum")

# Show dimensionality
## [1]  5 27

Now there are 5 taxa and 27 samples, meaning that there are 5 different Phylum level taxonomic groups. Looking at the rowData after agglomeration shows all Firmicutes are combined together, and all lower rank information is lost.

From the assay we can see that all abundances of taxa that belong to Firmicutes are summed up.

knitr::kable(head(rowData(tse_phylum))) %>% 
                            latex_options="scale_down") %>% 
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%")
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus
Bacteroidetes Bacteria Bacteroidetes NA NA NA NA
Verrucomicrobia Bacteria Verrucomicrobia NA NA NA NA
Proteobacteria Bacteria Proteobacteria NA NA NA NA
Firmicutes Bacteria Firmicutes NA NA NA NA
Cyanobacteria Bacteria Cyanobacteria NA NA NA NA

If you are sharp, you have by now noticed that all the aggregated values in the above example are NA’s (missing data). This is because the agglomeration is missing abundances for certain taxa, and in that case the sum is not defined by default (na.rm = FALSE). We can ignore the missing values in summing up the data by setting na.rm = TRUE; then the taxa that do not have information in specified level will be removed. Those taxa that do not have information in specified level are agglomerated at lowest possible level that is left after agglomeration.

temp <- rowData(agglomerateByRank(tse, rank = "Genus"))

# Prints those taxa that do not have information at the Genus level
knitr::kable(head(temp[temp$Genus == "",])) %>% 
                            latex_options="scale_down") %>% 
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%")
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus
Family:Lachnospiraceae Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Clostridiales Lachnospiraceae
Order:Bacteroidales Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales
Order:Clostridiales Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Clostridiales
Family:Enterobacteriaceae Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Enterobacteriales Enterobacteriaceae
Order:Gastranaerophilales Bacteria Cyanobacteria Melainabacteria Gastranaerophilales

Here agglomeration is done similarly, but na.rm = TRUE

temp2 <- rowData(agglomerateByRank(tse, rank = "Genus", na.rm = TRUE))

print(paste0("Agglomeration with na.rm = FALSE: ", dim(temp)[1], " taxa."))
## [1] "Agglomeration with na.rm = FALSE: 54 taxa."
print(paste0("Agglomeration with na.rm = TRUE: ", dim(temp2)[1], " taxa."))
## [1] "Agglomeration with na.rm = TRUE: 49 taxa."

The mia package contains further examples on various data agglomeration and splitting options.

6.2 Visualization

The miaViz package facilitates data visualization. Let us plot the Phylum level abundances.

# Here we specify "relabundance" to be abundance table that we use for plotting.
# Note that we can use agglomerated or non-agglomerated tse as an input, because
# the function agglomeration is built-in option. 

# Legend does not fit into picture, so its height is reduced.
plot_abundance <- plotAbundance(tse, abund_values="relabundance", rank = "Phylum") +
  theme(legend.key.height = unit(0.5, "cm")) +
  scale_y_continuous(label = scales::percent)
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.

Density plot shows the overall abundance distribution for a given taxonomic group. Let us check the relative abundance of Firmicutes across the sample collection. The density plot is a smoothened version of a standard histogram.

The plot shows peak abundances around 30 %.

# Subset data by taking only Firmicutes
tse_firmicutes <- tse_phylum["Firmicutes"]

# Gets the abundance table
abundance_firmicutes <- assay(tse_firmicutes, "relabundance")

# Creates a data frame object, where first column includes abundances
firmicutes_abund_df <- as.data.frame(t(abundance_firmicutes))
# Rename the first and only column
colnames(firmicutes_abund_df) <- "abund"

# Creates a plot. Parameters inside feom_density are optional. With 
# geom_density(bw=1000), it is possible to adjust bandwidth.
firmicutes_abund_plot <- ggplot(firmicutes_abund_df, aes(x = abund)) + 
  geom_density(color="darkred", fill="lightblue") + 
  labs(x = "Relative abundance", title = "Firmicutes") +
  theme_classic() + # Changes the background
  scale_x_continuous(label = scales::percent)


For more visualization options and examples, see the miaViz vignette.

6.3 Exercises (optional)

Explore some of the following questions on your own by following online examples. Prepare a reproducible report (Rmarkdown), and include the code that you use to import the data and generate the analyses.

  • Abundance table Retrieve the taxonomic abundance table from the example data set (TSE object). Tip: check “assays” in data import section

  • How many different samples and genus-level groups this phyloseq object has? Tips: see dim(), rowData()

  • What is the maximum abundance of Akkermansia in this data set? Tip: aggregate the data to Genus level with agglomerateByRank, pick abundance assay, and check a given genus (row) in the assay

  • Draw a histogram of library sizes (total number of reads per sample). Tip: Library size section in OMA. You can use the available function, or count the sum of reads per sample by using the colSums command applied on the abundance table. Check Vandeputte et al. 2017 for further discussion on the differences between absolute and relative quantification of microbial abundances.

  • Taxonomy table Retrieve the taxonomy table and print out the first few lines of it with the R command head(). Investigate how many different phylum-level groups this phyloseq object has? Tips: rowData, taxonomicRanks in OMA.

  • Sample metadata Retrieve sample metadata. How many patient groups this data set has? Draw a histogram of sample diversities. Tips: colData

  • Subsetting Pick a subset of the data object including only ADHD individuals from Cohort 1. How many there are? Tips: subsetting in OMA

  • Transformations The data contains read counts. We can convert these into relative abundances and other formats. Compare abundance of a given taxonomic group using the example data before and after the compositionality transformation (with a cross-plot, for instance). You can also compare the results to CLR-transformed data (see e.g. Gloor et al. 2017)

  • Visual exploration Visualize the population distribution of abundances for certain taxonomic groups. Do the same for CLR-transformed abundances. Tip: assays, transformCounts

  • Experiment with other data manipulation tools from OMA.

6.4 Exploring data: example solutions

  • Abundance table Retrieve the taxonomic abundance table from the example data set (TSE object).
# We show only part of it
##           A110   A12  A15  A19  A21  A23
## 1726470  17722 11630    0 8806 1740 1791
## 1726471  12052     0 2679 2776  540  229
## 17264731     0   970    0  549  145    0
## 17264726     0  1911    0 5497  659    0
## 1726472   1143  1891 1212  584   84  700
## 17264724     0  6498    0 4455  610    0
  • How many different samples and genus-level groups this phyloseq object has?
## [1] 151   6
  • What is the maximum abundance of Akkermansia in this data set?
# Agglomerating to Genus level
tse_genus <- agglomerateByRank(tse,rank="Genus")
# Retrieving the count for Akkermansia
Akkermansia_abund <- assays(tse_genus)$count["Genus:Akkermansia",]
## [1] 2535
  • Draw a histogram of library sizes (total number of reads per sample).
## Loading required package: scuttle
tse <- addPerCellQC(tse) # adding a new column "sum" to colData, of total counts/sample.
hist(colData(tse)$sum, xlab = "Total number of reads per sample", main = "Histogram of library sizes")

* Taxonomy table Retrieve the taxonomy table and print out the first few lines of it with the R command head(). Investigate how many different phylum-level groups this phyloseq object has?

## DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns
##              Kingdom          Phylum            Class              Order
##          <character>     <character>      <character>        <character>
## 1726470     Bacteria   Bacteroidetes      Bacteroidia      Bacteroidales
## 1726471     Bacteria   Bacteroidetes      Bacteroidia      Bacteroidales
## 17264731    Bacteria   Bacteroidetes      Bacteroidia      Bacteroidales
## 17264726    Bacteria   Bacteroidetes      Bacteroidia      Bacteroidales
## 1726472     Bacteria Verrucomicrobia Verrucomicrobiae Verrucomicrobiales
## 17264724    Bacteria   Bacteroidetes      Bacteroidia      Bacteroidales
##                       Family           Genus
##                  <character>     <character>
## 1726470       Bacteroidaceae     Bacteroides
## 1726471       Bacteroidaceae     Bacteroides
## 17264731  Porphyromonadaceae Parabacteroides
## 17264726      Bacteroidaceae     Bacteroides
## 1726472  Verrucomicrobiaceae     Akkermansia
## 17264724      Bacteroidaceae     Bacteroides
taxonomyRanks(tse) # The taxonomic ranks available
## [1] "Kingdom" "Phylum"  "Class"   "Order"   "Family"  "Genus"
unique(rowData(tse)["Phylum"]) # phylum-level groups
## DataFrame with 5 rows and 1 column
##                    Phylum
##               <character>
## 1726470     Bacteroidetes
## 1726472   Verrucomicrobia
## 17264729   Proteobacteria
## 172647189      Firmicutes
## 17264742    Cyanobacteria
length(unique(rowData(tse)["Phylum"])[,1]) # number of phylum-level groups
## [1] 5
  • Sample metadata Retrieve sample metadata. How many patient groups this data set has? Draw a histogram of sample diversities.
colData(tse) # samples metadata
## DataFrame with 27 rows and 7 columns
##      patient_status      cohort patient_status_vs_cohort sample_name       sum
##         <character> <character>              <character> <character> <numeric>
## A110           ADHD    Cohort_1            ADHD_Cohort_1        A110     37394
## A12            ADHD    Cohort_1            ADHD_Cohort_1         A12     40584
## A15            ADHD    Cohort_1            ADHD_Cohort_1         A15     16077
## A19            ADHD    Cohort_1            ADHD_Cohort_1         A19     39210
## A21            ADHD    Cohort_2            ADHD_Cohort_2         A21      6351
## ...             ...         ...                      ...         ...       ...
## A26         Control    Cohort_2         Control_Cohort_2         A26     20431
## A27         Control    Cohort_2         Control_Cohort_2         A27     14636
## A33         Control    Cohort_3         Control_Cohort_3         A33     13051
## A35         Control    Cohort_3         Control_Cohort_3         A35     12642
## A38         Control    Cohort_3         Control_Cohort_3         A38     15544
##       detected     total
##      <numeric> <numeric>
## A110        68     37394
## A12         51     40584
## A15         68     16077
## A19         62     39210
## A21         58      6351
## ...        ...       ...
## A26         64     20431
## A27         86     14636
## A33         78     13051
## A35         62     12642
## A38         74     15544
unique(colData(tse)$patient_status) # patient groups
## [1] "ADHD"    "Control"
# Example of sample diversity using Shannon index
tse <- mia::estimateDiversity(tse, 
                             abund_values = "counts",
                             index = "shannon", 
                             name = "shannon")
hist(colData(tse)$shannon, xlab = "Shannon index", main = "Histogram of sample diversity")

  • Subsetting Pick a subset of the data object including only ADHD individuals from Cohort 1. How many there are?
sub_cohort_1 <- tse[, colData(tse)$cohort=="Cohort_1"]
sub_cohort_1_ADHD <- sub_cohort_1[, colData(sub_cohort_1)$patient_status=="ADHD"]
## DataFrame with 4 rows and 8 columns
##      patient_status      cohort patient_status_vs_cohort sample_name       sum
##         <character> <character>              <character> <character> <numeric>
## A110           ADHD    Cohort_1            ADHD_Cohort_1        A110     37394
## A12            ADHD    Cohort_1            ADHD_Cohort_1         A12     40584
## A15            ADHD    Cohort_1            ADHD_Cohort_1         A15     16077
## A19            ADHD    Cohort_1            ADHD_Cohort_1         A19     39210
##       detected     total   shannon
##      <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
## A110        68     37394   1.76541
## A12         51     40584   2.71644
## A15         68     16077   3.17810
## A19         62     39210   2.89199
  • Transformations The data contains read counts. We can convert these into relative abundances and other formats. Compare abundance of a given taxonomic group using the example data before and after the compositionality transformation (with a cross-plot, for instance). You can also compare the results to CLR-transformed data (see e.g. Gloor et al. 2017)
tse <- transformCounts(tse, method = "relabundance")
tse <- transformCounts(tse, method = "clr", abund_values = "counts",pseudocount = 1)
## Warning: All the total abundances of samples do not sum-up to a fixed constant.
## Please consider to apply, e.g., relative transformation in prior to CLR
## transformation.
# Lets compare with taxa: A29
taxa <- "A29"
df <- as.data.frame(list(
ggplot(df, aes(x=counts,y=relabundance))+
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula 'y ~ x'

ggplot(df, aes(x=counts,y=clr))+
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula 'y ~ x'

ggplot(df, aes(x=relabundance,y=clr))+
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula 'y ~ x'

* Visual exploration Visualize the population distribution of abundances for certain taxonomic groups. Do the same for CLR-transformed abundances.

# Same taxa used as earlier
ggplot(df, aes(x=counts,colour="blue")) +
  theme(legend.position = "none")+
  labs(title =paste("Distribution of counts for",taxa, collapse = ": "))

ggplot(df, aes(x=clr,colour="red")) + 
  theme(legend.position = "none")+
  labs(title =paste("Distribution of clr for",taxa, collapse = ": "))