Density abundance profile of single features in a TreeSummarizedExperiment. The panel implements plotAbundanceDensity to generate the plot.


The AbundanceDensityPlot(...) constructor creates an instance of an AbundanceDensityPlot class, where any slot and its value can be passed to ... as a named argument.

Slot overview

The following slots control the thresholds used in the visualisation:

  • layout, a string specifying abundance layout (jitter, density or points).

  • assay.type, a string specifying the assay to visualize.

  • n, a number indicating the number of top taxa to visualize.

  • flipped, a logical specifying if the axis should be switched.

  • order_descending, a string specifying the descending order.

In addition, this class inherits all slots from its parent class Panel.


Giulio Benedetti


# Import TreeSE
#> Loading required package: MultiAssayExperiment
#> Loading required package: TreeSummarizedExperiment
#> Loading required package: Biostrings
#> Loading required package: XVector
#> Attaching package: ‘Biostrings’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     strsplit
#> This is mia version 1.15.32
#> - Online documentation and vignettes:
#> - Online book 'Orchestrating Microbiome Analysis (OMA)':
data("Tengeler2020", package = "mia")
tse <- Tengeler2020

# Add relabundance assay
tse <- transformAssay(tse, method = "relabundance")

# Store panel into object
panel <- AbundanceDensityPlot()
# View some adjustable parameters
#> [1] "layout"         "assay.type"     "n"              "dots_colour"   
#> [5] "dots_colour_by" "add_legend"    

# Launch iSEE with custom initial panel
if (interactive()) {
  iSEE(tse, initial = c(panel))