Contribution of each reduced dimension component to explained variance. The reduced dimension should be stored in the reducedDim slot of a SingleSummarizedExperiment. This panel uses plotScree to generate the plot.


The ScreePlot(...) constructor creates an instance of an ScreePlot class, where any slot and its value can be passed to ... as a named argument.

Slot overview

The following slots control the thresholds used in the visualisation:

  • dimred Character scalar or integer scalar. Determines the reduced dimension to plot. This is used when x is a TreeSummarizedExperiment to extract the eigenvalues from reducedDim(x, dimred).

  • show.barplot: Logical scalar. Whether to show a barplot. (Default: TRUE)

  • show.points: Logical scalar. Whether to show points. (Default: TRUE)

  • show.line: Logical scalar. Whether to show lines. (Default: TRUE)

  • show.labels: Logical scalar. Whether to show a label for each point. (Default: FALSE)

  • add.proportion: Logical scalar. Whether to show proportion of explained variance, i.e., raw eigenvalues. (Default: TRUE)

  • add.cumulative: Logical scalar. Whether to show cumulative explained variance calculated from eigenvalues. (Default: FALSE)

  • n: Integer scalar. Number of eigenvalues to plot. If unspecified, all eigenvalues are plotted. (Default: NULL)

  • show.names: Logical scalar. Whether to show names of the components on the x-axis. If FALSE, indices are shown instead. (Default: FALSE)

  • Character scalar. The name of the attribute in reducedDim(x, dimred) that contains the eigenvalues. (Default: c("eig", "varExplained"))

In addition, this class inherits all slots from its parent Panel class.

See also


Giulio Benedetti


# Import libraries

# Import TreeSE
data("Tengeler2020", package = "mia")
tse <- Tengeler2020

# Add relabundance assay
tse <- transformAssay(tse, method = "relabundance")

# Add reduced dimensions
tse <- runPCA(tse, assay.type = "relabundance")
#> Warning: more singular values/vectors requested than available
#> Warning: You're computing too large a percentage of total singular values, use a standard svd instead.

# Store panel into object
panel <- ScreePlot()
# View some adjustable parameters
#> [1] "dimred"         "show.barplot"   "show.points"    "show.line"     
#> [5] "show.labels"    "add.proportion"

# Launch iSEE with custom initial panel
if (interactive()) {
  iSEE(tse, initial = c(panel))