The enterotype data of the human gut microbiome includes taxonomic profiling for 280 fecal samples from 22 subjects based on shotgun DNA sequencing. The authors claimed that the data naturally clumps into three community-level clusters, or "enterotypes", that are not immediately explained by sequencing technology or demographic features of the subjects. In a later addendum from 2014 the authors stated that enterotypes should not be seen as discrete clusters, but as a way of stratifying samples to reduce complexity. It was converted into a TreeSummarizedExperiment from the phyloseq package.
A TreeSummarizedExperiment with 553 features and 280 samples. The rowData contains taxonomic information at Genus level. The colData includes:
enterotype the sample belongs to (1, 2 and 3)
sample ID of samples from all studies
sequencing technology
sample ID of complete samples
original project from which sample was obtained (gill06, turnbaugh09, MetaHIT, MicroObes, MicroAge and kurokawa07)
participant's nationality (american, danish, spanish, french, italian and japanese)
participant's gender (F or M)
participant's age (0.25 – 87)
participant's clinical status (healthy, obese, CD, UC and elderly)
Arumugam, M., et al. (2011). Enterotypes of the human gut microbiome. Nature, 473(7346), 174-180. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature09944
Arumugam, M., et al. (2014). Addendum: Enterotypes of the human gut microbiome. Nature 506, 516 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature13075