These functions perform Canonical Correspondence Analysis on data stored in a SummarizedExperiment.

getCCA(x, ...)

addCCA(x, ...)

getRDA(x, ...)

addRDA(x, ...)

calculateCCA(x, ...)

runCCA(x, ...)

# S4 method for class 'ANY'
getCCA(x, formula, data, ...)

# S4 method for class 'SummarizedExperiment'
  formula = NULL,
  col.var = variables,
  variables = NULL,
  test.signif = TRUE,
  assay.type = assay_name,
  assay_name = exprs_values,
  exprs_values = "counts",

# S4 method for class 'SingleCellExperiment'
addCCA(x, altexp = NULL, name = "CCA", ...)

calculateRDA(x, ...)

runRDA(x, ...)

# S4 method for class 'ANY'
getRDA(x, formula, data, ...)

# S4 method for class 'SummarizedExperiment'
  formula = NULL,
  col.var = variables,
  variables = NULL,
  test.signif = TRUE,
  assay.type = assay_name,
  assay_name = exprs_values,
  exprs_values = "counts",

# S4 method for class 'SingleCellExperiment'
addRDA(x, altexp = NULL, name = "RDA", ...)





additional arguments passed to vegan::cca or vegan::dbrda and other internal functions.

  • method a dissimilarity measure to be applied in dbRDA and possible following homogeneity test. (Default: "euclidean")

  • scale: Logical scalar. Should the expression values be standardized? scale is disabled when using *RDA functions. Please scale before performing RDA. (Default: TRUE)

  • na.action: function. Action to take when missing values for any of the variables in formula are encountered. (Default:

  • full Logical scalar. Should all the results from the significance calculations be returned. When FALSE, only summary tables are returned. (Default: FALSE)

  • homogeneity.test: Character scalar. Specifies the significance test used to analyse vegan::betadisper results. Options include 'permanova' (vegan::permutest), 'anova' (stats::anova) and 'tukeyhsd' (stats::TukeyHSD). (Default: "permanova")

  • permutations: Integer scalar. Specifies the number of permutations for significance testing in vegan::anova.cca. (Default: 999)

  • subset.result: Logical result. Specifies whether to subset x to match the result if some samples were removed during calculation. (Default: TRUE)


formula. If x is a SummarizedExperiment a formula can be supplied. Based on the right-hand side of the given formula colData is subset to col.var.

col.var and formula can be missing, which turns the CCA analysis into a CA analysis and dbRDA into PCoA/MDS.


data.frame or coarcible to one. The covariance table including covariates defined by formula.


Character scalar. When x is a SummarizedExperiment,col.var can be used to specify variables from colData.


Deprecated. Use col.var instead.


Logical scalar. Should the PERMANOVA and analysis of multivariate homogeneity of group dispersions be performed. (Default: TRUE)


Character scalar. Specifies the name of assay used in calculation. (Default: "counts")


Deprecated. Use assay.type instead.


Deprecated. Use assay.type instead.


Character scalar or integer scalar. Specifies an alternative experiment containing the input data.


Character scalar. A name for the reducedDim() where results will be stored. (Default: "CCA")


For getCCA a matrix with samples as rows and CCA dimensions as columns. Attributes include output from scores, eigenvalues, the cca/rda object and significance analysis results.

For addCCA a modified x with the results stored in reducedDim as the given name.


*CCA functions utilize vegan:cca and *RDA functions vegan:dbRDA. By default, dbRDA is done with euclidean distances, which is equivalent to RDA. col.var and formula can be missing, which turns the CCA analysis into a CA analysis and dbRDA into PCoA/MDS.

Significance tests are done with vegan:anova.cca (PERMANOVA). Group dispersion, i.e., homogeneity within groups is analyzed with vegan::betadisper (multivariate homogeneity of groups dispersions (variances)) and statistical significance of homogeneity is tested with a test specified by homogeneity.test parameter.

See also

For more details on the actual implementation see cca and dbrda


#> Loading required package: ggraph
#> Attaching package: ‘miaViz’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:mia’:
#>     plotNMDS
data("enterotype", package = "mia")
tse <- enterotype

# Perform CCA and exclude any sample with missing ClinicalStatus
tse <- addCCA(
    formula = data ~ ClinicalStatus,
    na.action = na.exclude

# Plot CCA
plotCCA(tse, "CCA", colour_by = "ClinicalStatus")
#> Too few points to calculate an ellipse
#> Too few points to calculate an ellipse

# Fetch significance results
attr(reducedDim(tse, "CCA"), "significance")
#> $permanova
#>                Df ChiSquare         F Pr(>F) Total variance Explained variance
#> Model           4  0.150386 0.7379888  0.655         1.8825         0.07988631
#> ClinicalStatus  4  0.150386 0.7379888  0.644         1.8825         0.07988631
#> Residual       34  1.732114        NA     NA         1.8825         0.92011369
#> $homogeneity
#>                Df    Sum Sq    Mean Sq        F N.Perm Pr(>F) Total variance
#> ClinicalStatus  4 0.2184213 0.05460533 1.757098    999  0.141       1.275039
#>                Explained variance
#> ClinicalStatus          0.1713056

tse <- transformAssay(tse, method = "relabundance")

# Specify dissimilarity measure
tse <- addRDA(
    formula = data ~ ClinicalStatus,
    assay.type = "relabundance",
    method = "bray",
    name = "RDA_bray",
    na.action = na.exclude

# To scale values when using *RDA functions, use
# transformAssay(MARGIN = "features", ...)
tse <- transformAssay(tse, method = "standardize", MARGIN = "features")

# Data might include taxa that do not vary. Remove those because after
# z-transform their value is NA
tse <- tse[rowSums(, "standardize"))) == 0, ]

# Calculate RDA
tse <- addRDA(
   formula = data ~ ClinicalStatus,
   assay.type = "standardize",
   name = "rda_scaled",
   na.action = na.omit
#> Warning: The following samples are removed from the data as they are not includes in dimension reduction results (see 'subset.result' parameter): 'DA.AD.1T', 'DA.AD.3T', 'MH0001', 'MH0002', 'MH0003', 'MH0004', 'MH0005', 'MH0006', 'MH0007', 'MH0008', 'MH0009', 'MH0010', 'MH0011', 'MH0012', 'MH0013', 'MH0014', 'MH0015', 'MH0016', 'MH0017', 'MH0018', 'MH0019', 'MH0020', 'MH0021', 'MH0022', 'MH0023', 'MH0024', 'MH0025', 'MH0026', 'MH0027', 'MH0028', 'MH0030', 'MH0031', 'MH0032', 'MH0033', 'MH0034', 'MH0035', 'MH0036', 'MH0037', 'MH0038', 'MH0039', 'MH0040', 'MH0041', 'MH0042', 'MH0043', 'MH0044', 'MH0045', 'MH0046', 'MH0047', 'MH0048', 'MH0049', 'MH0050', 'MH0051', 'MH0052', 'MH0053', 'MH0054', 'MH0055', 'MH0056', 'MH0057', 'MH0058', 'MH0059', 'MH0060', 'MH0061', 'MH0062', 'MH0063', 'MH0064', 'MH0065', 'MH0066', 'MH0067', 'MH0068', 'MH0069', 'MH0070', 'MH0071', 'MH0072', 'MH0073', 'MH0074', 'MH0075', 'MH0076', 'MH0077', 'MH0078', 'MH0079', 'MH0080', 'MH0081', 'MH0082', 'MH0083', 'MH0084', 'MH0085', 'MH0086', 'TS1_V2', 'TS10_V2', 'TS100_V2', 'TS101.2_V2', 'TS103_V2', 'TS104_V2', 'TS105_V2', 'TS106_V2', 'TS107_V2', 'TS109_V2', 'TS11_V2', 'TS110_V2', 'TS111_V2', 'TS115_V2', 'TS116_V2', 'TS117_V2', 'TS118_V2', 'TS119_V2', 'TS12_V2', 'TS120_V2', 'TS124_V2', 'TS125_V2', 'TS126_V2', 'TS127_V2', 'TS128_V2', 'TS129_V2', 'TS13_V2', 'TS130_V2', 'TS131_V2', 'TS132_V2', 'TS133_V2', 'TS134_V2', 'TS135_V2', 'TS136_V2', 'TS137_V2', 'TS138_V2', 'TS139_V2', 'TS14_V2', 'TS140_V2', 'TS141_V2', 'TS142_V2', 'TS143_V2', 'TS144_V2', 'TS145_V2', 'TS146_V2', 'TS147_V2', 'TS148_V2', 'TS149_V2', 'TS15_V2', 'TS150_V2', 'TS151_V2', 'TS152_V2', 'TS153_V2', 'TS154.2_V2', 'TS155_V2', 'TS156_V2', 'TS16_V2', 'TS160_V2', 'TS161_V2', 'TS162_V2', 'TS163_V2', 'TS164_V2', 'TS165_V2', 'TS166_V2', 'TS167_V2', 'TS168_V2', 'TS169_V2', 'TS17_V2', 'TS170_V2', 'TS178_V2', 'TS179_V2', 'TS180_V2', 'TS181_V2', 'TS182_V2', 'TS183_V2', 'TS184_V2', 'TS185_V2', 'TS186_V2', 'TS19_V2', 'TS190_V2', 'TS191_V2', 'TS192_V2', 'TS193_V2', 'TS194_V2', 'TS195_V2', 'TS2_V2', 'TS20_V2', 'TS21_V2', 'TS22_V2', 'TS23_V2', 'TS25_V2', 'TS26_V2', 'TS27_V2', 'TS28_V2', 'TS29_V2', 'TS3_V2', 'TS30_V2', 'TS31_V2', 'TS32_V2', 'TS33_V2', 'TS34_V2', 'TS35_V2', 'TS37_V2', 'TS38_V2', 'TS39_V2', 'TS4_V2', 'TS43_V2', 'TS44_V2', 'TS49_V2', 'TS5_V2', 'TS50_V2', 'TS51_V2', 'TS55_V2', 'TS56_V2', 'TS57_V2', 'TS6_V2', 'TS61_V2', 'TS62_V2', 'TS63_V2', 'TS64_V2', 'TS65_V2', 'TS66_V2', 'TS67_V2', 'TS68_V2', 'TS69_V2', 'TS7_V2', 'TS70_V2', 'TS71_V2', 'TS72_V2', 'TS73_V2', 'TS74_V2', 'TS75_V2', 'TS76_V2', 'TS77_V2', 'TS78_V2', 'TS8_V2', 'TS82_V2', 'TS83_V2', 'TS84_V2', 'TS85_V2', 'TS86_V2', 'TS87_V2', 'TS88_V2', 'TS89_V2', 'TS9_V2', 'TS90_V2', 'TS91_V2', 'TS92_V2', 'TS94_V2', 'TS95_V2', 'TS96_V2', 'TS97_V2', 'TS98_V2', 'TS99.2_V2'

# Plot RDA
plotRDA(tse, "rda_scaled", colour_by = "ClinicalStatus")
#> Too few points to calculate an ellipse
#> Too few points to calculate an ellipse

# A common choice along with PERMANOVA is ANOVA when statistical significance
# of homogeneity of groups is analysed. Moreover, full significance test
# results can be returned.
tse <- addRDA(
    formula = data ~ ClinicalStatus,
    homogeneity.test = "anova",
    full = TRUE

# Example showing how to pass extra parameters, such as 'permutations',
# to anova.cca
tse <- addRDA(
    formula = data ~ ClinicalStatus,
    permutations = 500