Diversity plots

Using the alpha function in microbiome R packge you can calculate a wide variaty of diversity indices. Comparison and visualising group based differecences or similarities is also important. Here, we show steps from calculating diversity indices using microbiome R package and visualising the differences and/or similarities between groups. A useful R package is ggpubr. If you have not installed it, please install it.

Load libraries and data.


pseq <- dietswap

Alpha diversity

This returns a table with selected diversity indicators. Check a separate page on Alpha for other functions.

ps1 <- prune_taxa(taxa_sums(pseq) > 0, pseq)

tab <- microbiome::alpha(ps1, index = "all")
observed chao1 diversity_inverse_simpson diversity_gini_simpson diversity_shannon diversity_fisher diversity_coverage evenness_camargo evenness_pielou evenness_simpson evenness_evar evenness_bulla dominance_dbp dominance_dmn dominance_absolute dominance_relative dominance_simpson dominance_core_abundance dominance_gini rarity_log_modulo_skewness rarity_low_abundance rarity_rare_abundance
Sample-1 104 113.2308 7.561722 0.8677550 2.940698 16.69360 4 0.1876313 0.6331719 0.0727089 0.1709714 0.3298916 0.3279347 0.4297198 2774 0.3279347 0.1322450 0.9276510 0.8547129 2.057691 0.0289632 0.0146589
Sample-2 110 120.0000 8.102943 0.8765881 2.822472 15.20257 3 0.1471282 0.6004646 0.0736631 0.1334372 0.2755652 0.2428626 0.4656170 5121 0.2428626 0.1234119 0.9330361 0.8777889 2.057552 0.0299725 0.0349047
Sample-3 103 106.6000 4.291085 0.7669587 2.407963 13.42077 2 0.1911955 0.5195476 0.0416610 0.1373098 0.2541325 0.4594744 0.5603989 13271 0.4594744 0.2330413 0.9514247 0.9030912 2.052324 0.0339646 0.0093134
Sample-4 105 110.6250 7.930799 0.8739093 2.992482 15.56061 4 0.2674871 0.6429969 0.0755314 0.1711334 0.3176017 0.3230653 0.3957720 4279 0.3230653 0.1260907 0.8621367 0.8487989 2.051175 0.0348056 0.0367686
Sample-5 103 109.5000 3.170738 0.6846160 2.106022 14.53671 1 0.1183671 0.4544002 0.0307839 0.1661081 0.2310307 0.5450144 0.6317579 9456 0.5450144 0.3153840 0.9535447 0.9167798 2.059634 0.0441499 0.0105476
Sample-6 105 112.5833 2.953753 0.6614476 2.071136 14.55619 1 0.1533745 0.4450266 0.0281310 0.1625409 0.2308364 0.5693811 0.6430163 11243 0.5693811 0.3385524 0.9258078 0.9146230 2.059421 0.0375772 0.0168642

Prepare data for vizualisation

Now, get the metadata (sample_data) from the phyloseq object

ps1.meta <- meta(ps1)
subject sex nationality group sample timepoint timepoint.within.group bmi_group
Sample-1 byn male AAM DI Sample-1 4 1 obese
Sample-2 nms male AFR HE Sample-2 2 1 lean
Sample-3 olt male AFR HE Sample-3 2 1 overweight
Sample-4 pku female AFR HE Sample-4 2 1 obese
Sample-5 qjy female AFR HE Sample-5 2 1 overweight
Sample-6 riv female AFR HE Sample-6 2 1 obese

Add the diversity table to metadata

ps1.meta$Shannon <- tab$diversity_shannon 
ps1.meta$InverseSimpson <- tab$diversity_inverse_simpson

Let’s say we want to compare differences in Shannon index between bmi group of the study subjects.

# create a list of pairwise comaprisons
bmi <- levels(ps1.meta$bmi_group) # get the variables

# make a pairwise list that we want to compare.
bmi.pairs <- combn(seq_along(bmi), 2, simplify = FALSE, FUN = function(i)bmi[i])

## [[1]]
## [1] "lean"       "overweight"
## [[2]]
## [1] "lean"  "obese"
## [[3]]
## [1] "overweight" "obese"

Sometimes that variables can be stored as characters and sometime as factors. In such a senario levels() may return an empty vector. A work around for this can be found here.

Violin plot

Using ggpubr a violin plot will be created

#ps1.meta$'' <- alpha(ps1, index = 'shannon')
p1 <- ggviolin(ps1.meta, x = "bmi_group", y = "Shannon",
 add = "boxplot", fill = "bmi_group", palette = c("#a6cee3", "#b2df8a", "#fdbf6f")) 

violin plot


Pairwise comparision using non-parametric test (Wilcoxon test).

p1 <- p1 + stat_compare_means(comparisons = bmi.pairs) 

violin for comparison

For more information and useful tips and suggestions check the Statistical tools for high-throughput data analysis.