The TreePlot is a virtual class that creates a hierarchical tree of either the features or samples of a TreeSummarizedExperiment object. The RowTreePlot and ColumnTreePlot classes belong to this family and are specialised to visualise the rowTree and the colTree, respectively.

Slot overview

The following slots control the thresholds used in the visualisation:

  • layout: Character scalar. Tree layout. (Default: "fan")

  • add.legend: Logical scalar. Should legend be shown. (Default: TRUE)

  • Character scalar. Parameter to colour lines by when colour_parameters = "Edge". (Default: NULL)

  • Character scalar. Parameter to size lines by when size_parameters = "Edge". (Default: NULL)

  • Character scalar. Parameter to colour tips by when colour_parameters = "Tip". (Default: NULL)

  • Character scalar. Parameter to size tips by when size_parameters = "Tip". (Default: NULL)

  • Character scalar. Parameter to shape tips by when shape_parameters = "Tip". (Default: NULL)

  • Character scalar. Parameter to colour nodes by when colour_parameters = "Node". (Default: NULL)

  • Character scalar. Parameter to size nodes by when size_parameters = "Node". (Default: NULL)

  • Character scalar. Parameter to shape nodes by when shape_parameters = "Node". (Default: NULL)

  • order.tree: Logical scalar. Should the tree be ordered alphabetically by the taxonomic levels. (Default: FALSE)

  • open.angle: Numeric scalar. Angle by which the tree is opened when layout is "fan". (Default: 0)

  • rotate.angle: Numeric scalar. Angle by which the tree is rotated. (Default: 0)

  • branch.length: Logical scalar. Should branch length be equalised. (Default: FALSE)

In addition, this class inherits all slots from its parent Panel class.


Giulio Benedetti