Orchestrating Microbiome Analysis with Bioconductor


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  • Community-driven open-source project
  1. Training programs & workshops
  2. Conferences & community support
  3. Bioinformatics software
Bioconductor logo.


  • ~2,300 R packages
  • Review, testing, documentation

Data containers form the core


  • Most common data container
  • Optimized for biological data
  • Extended to different purposes

SummarizedExperiment class

Optimal container for microbiome data?

Optimal container for microbiome data?

  • Multiple assays: seamless interlinking

Optimal container for microbiome data?

  • Multiple assays: seamless interlinking
  • Hierarchical data: supporting samples & features

Optimal container for microbiome data?

  • Multiple assays: seamless interlinking
  • Hierarchical data: supporting samples & features
  • Side information: extended capabilities & data types

Optimal container for microbiome data?

  • Multiple assays: seamless interlinking
  • Hierarchical data: supporting samples & features
  • Side information: extended capabilities & data types
  • Optimized: for speed & memory

Optimal container for microbiome data?

  • Multiple assays: seamless interlinking
  • Hierarchical data: supporting samples & features
  • Side information: extended capabilities & data types
  • Optimized: for speed & memory
  • Integrated: with other applications & frameworks

Optimal container for microbiome data?

  • Multiple assays: seamless interlinking
  • Hierarchical data: supporting samples & features
  • Side information: extended capabilities & data types
  • Optimized: for speed & memory
  • Integrated: with other applications & frameworks

Reduce overlapping efforts, improve interoperability, ensure sustainability.


  • Extension to SummarizedExperiment
  • Optimal for microbiome data
  • Links microbiome field to larger SummarizedExperiment family

SummarizedExperiment class

TreeSummarizedExperiment class

MIcrobiome Analysis (mia)

  • Microbiome data science in SummarizedExperiment ecosystem
  • Distributed through several R packages
  • mia package top 7.8% Bioconductor downloads
mia logo.

Community-driven ecosystem of tools

mia logo. MGnifyR logo. HoloFoodR logo. iSEE logo. MAE logo. SE logo. SCE logo. scater logo. benchdamic logo. netcomi logo.


  • Shared data container
  • Scalable & optimized for large datasets
  • Comprehensive documentation

Allows us to develop efficient microbiome data science workflows

Orchestrating Microbiome Analysis with Bioconductor

  • Resources and tutorials for microbiome analysis
  • Community-built best practices
  • Open to contributions!

Go to the Orchestrating Microbiome Analysis (OMA) online book

Poem of the day

Put it in the book, make it clear,
mia framework’s waiting here.

OMA’s guide will light the way,
helping you every step of the day.

Book TreeSummarizedExperiment class

mia logo.

Thank you for your time!

Moreno-Indias et al. (2021) Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques in Human Microbiome Studies: Contemporary Challenges and Solutions. Frontiers in Microbiology.

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