17  Correlation

In correlation — or association analysis more generally — we can evaluate the relationships between numeric variables. These variables can be taxa or patient metadata. For instance, we might be interested in which taxa are present simultaneously with others, or whether body weight is associated with the abundance of certain taxa. In this chapter, we will demonstrate how to perform correlation analysis with getCrossAssociation() method.

17.1 Association between taxa

Here we demonstrate, how to analyse which bacteria co-exists in the dataset.


tse <- peerj13075

# Agglomerate to certain taxonomy level
tse <- agglomerateByPrevalence(tse, rank = "class")

# Apply clr-transform and scale
tse <- transformAssay(tse, method = "clr", pseudocount = TRUE)
tse <- transformAssay(
    tse, assay.type = "clr", method = "standardize", MARGIN = "rows")

# Get correlation results
res <- getCrossAssociation(
    tse, tse, assay.type1 = "clr", assay.type2 = "clr",
    test.signif = TRUE, mode = "matrix")

We can visualize the result with heatmap as we do later in this chapter, or we can visualize the results with correlation network plot as done below.


# Create correlation network plot
    res$cor, layout = "spring", labels = colnames(res$cor),
    label.cex = 1.2, theme = "colorblind",
    node.width = 1.5, node.height = 2)

You can find more on networks from Chapter 19.

17.2 Association between taxa and sample metadata

Now, we can calculate alpha diversity indices, and evaluate if they have significant association with taxa.

# Calculate diversity measures
index <- c(
    "shannon", "log_modulo_skewness", "coverage", "inverse_simpson", "gini")
tse <- addAlpha(tse, index = index)

# Get correlation results
res <- getCrossAssociation(
    tse, tse, assay.type1 = "clr", col.var2 = index,
    test.signif = TRUE, mode = "matrix")

Below, we present the results using a heatmap visualization.


# Function for marking significant correlations with "X"
add_signif <- function(j, i, x, y, width, height, fill) {
    # If the p-value is under threshold
    if( !is.na(res$p_adj[i, j]) & res$p_adj[i, j] < 0.05 ){
        # Print "X"
            sprintf("%s", "X"), x, y, gp = gpar(fontsize = 8, col = "#f5f5f5"))

# Create a heatmap
p <- Heatmap(res$cor,
    # Print values to cells
    cell_fun = add_signif,
    heatmap_legend_param = list(
        title = "correlation", legend_height = unit(5, "cm")),
    column_names_rot = 45

17.3 Association between sample metadata variables

Finally, we demonstrate how to calculate correlation between sample metadata variables. Here we estimate correlation between alpha diversity measures.

Compared to the solution in Section, getCrossAssociation() allows us to calculate correlations in bulk easily, without the need for looping.

# Get correlation results
res <- getCrossAssociation(
    tse, tse, col.var1 = index, col.var2 = index,
    test.signif = TRUE, mode = "matrix")

# Create a heatmap and store it
p <- Heatmap(res$cor,
    # Print values to cells
    cell_fun = add_signif,
    heatmap_legend_param = list(
        title = "correlation", legend_height = unit(5, "cm")),
    column_names_rot = 45


See Section 21.1 for further information on correlation and association analyses.

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