23  Multi-omics Integration

23.1 Multi-omics Integration

In multiview data analysis, there are two main types of approaches: early fusion and late fusion. combines all datasets into a single representation, which then serves as input for a supervised learning model. In contrast, builds individual models for each data view and combines their predictions using a second-level model as the final predictor. However, these traditional paradigms treat the data views in isolation and do not allow for interactions or dependencies between them. A more advanced method, called cooperative learning (Ding et al. 2022), which is also known as , combines the best of both worlds by encouraging predictions from different data views to align through an agreement parameter (\(\rho\)).

23.2 Multi-omics Prediction and Classification of Binary IBD Disease Status

In this chapter, we showcase examples of various integration paradigms (early, late, and intermediate fusion) using the R packages multiview (Ding et al. 2022) and SuperLearner (Laan, Polley, and Hubbard 2007). We make use of the publicly available source code from the multi-omics integrated framework (IntegratedLearner) proposed by Mallick et al. (2023).

Ding, Daisy Yi, Shuangning Li, Balasubramanian Narasimhan, and Robert Tibshirani. 2022. “Cooperative Learning for Multiview Analysis.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (38): e2202113119. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2202113119.
Laan, Mark J. van der, Eric C Polley, and Alan E. Hubbard. 2007. “Super Learner.” Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 6: Article 25. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.2202/1544-6115.1309.

23.3 Input data

We use the publicly available Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) data from the curatedMetagenomicData package (Lloyd-Price et al. 2019), where we aim to predict IBD disease status based on both taxonomic (species abundances) and functional (pathway abundances) profiles.

Lloyd-Price, Jason, Cesar Arze, Ashwin N. Ananthakrishnan, Melanie Schirmer, Julian Avila-Pacheco, Tiffany W. Poon, Elizabeth Andrews, et al. 2019. “Multi-Omics of the Gut Microbial Ecosystem in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.” Nature 569 (7758): 655–62. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1237-9.

# Load iHMP data #


se_relative <- sampleMetadata |>
  filter(study_name == "HMP_2019_ibdmdb") |>
  returnSamples("relative_abundance", rownames = "short")

se_pathway <- sampleMetadata |>
  filter(study_name == "HMP_2019_ibdmdb") |>
  returnSamples("pathway_abundance", rownames = "short")

We will first prepare the input sample metadata and feature table for both relative abundance and pathway abundance data.

# Create sample metadata #

sample_metadata <- select(
    c("study_name", "disease", "subject_id"))

# Define response variable & sample id
sample_metadata$Y <- ifelse(sample_metadata$disease == "IBD", 1, 0)
sample_metadata <- sample_metadata %>%
    select(subject_id, Y) %>% rename(subjectID = subject_id)

# Create Species Features #

feature_species <- as.data.frame(assay(se_relative))
rownames(feature_species) <- sub('.*s__', '', rownames(feature_species))

# Create Pathway Features #

feature_pwys <- as.data.frame(assay(se_pathway))
feature_pwys <- rownames_to_column(feature_pwys, "ID")
feature_pwys <- feature_pwys %>%
  filter(!grepl("\\|", ID)) %>%
  filter(!ID %in% c('UNMAPPED', 'UNINTEGRATED')) %>%
  column_to_rownames('ID') %>%

# Combine Species and Pathways #

feature_table <- bind_rows(feature_species, feature_pwys)

# Check row names of feature_table and sample_metadata #

all(colnames(feature_table) == rownames(sample_metadata))
##  [1] TRUE

We will then create a metadata table for the features. This table captures high-level information related to the features (e.g., which layer they belong to).

# Create metadata table for features #

rowID <- rep(
    c('Species', 'Pathways'),
    c(nrow(feature_species), nrow(feature_pwys)))
feature_metadata <- cbind.data.frame(
    featureID = rownames(feature_table), featureType = rowID)
rownames(feature_metadata) <- feature_metadata$featureID

# Sanity check #

all(rownames(feature_table) == rownames(feature_metadata)) # TRUE
##  [1] TRUE
all(colnames(feature_table) == rownames(sample_metadata)) # TRUE
##  [1] TRUE

Further data pre-processing is necessary to handle near-zero-variance features in this dataset. Ultimately, 483 features are retained, consisting of 360 pathways and 123 species. A combination of variance and prevalence filtering is applied to the feature table, while related metadata is cleaned to ensure the retention of matching samples.

# feature_table #


feature_table_t <- as.data.frame(t(feature_table))
abd_threshold = 0
prev_threshold = 0.1
nzv <- nearZeroVar(feature_table_t)
features_var_filtered <- feature_table_t[, -nzv]
features_var_filtered <- as.data.frame(features_var_filtered)
features_filtered <- features_var_filtered[
  , colSums(features_var_filtered > abd_threshold) >
    nrow(features_var_filtered) * prev_threshold
feature_table <- as.data.frame(t(features_filtered))

# feature_metadata #

feature_metadata <- feature_metadata[rownames(feature_table), ]
##  Pathways  Species 
##       358      124

# Sanity check again #

all(rownames(feature_table) == rownames(feature_metadata)) # TRUE
##  [1] TRUE
all(colnames(feature_table) == rownames(sample_metadata)) # TRUE
##  [1] TRUE

Following the preprocessing, we conduct additional input data preparation, which includes configuring parameters for sample splitting and 5-fold cross-validation. It’s important to note that this dataset contains repeated measures (i.e., multiple samples per subject). To address this, we will conduct 5-fold cross-validation at the subject level. The source code is derived from the IntegratedLearner R package (Mallick et al. 2023).


# Set parameters and extract subject IDs for sample splitting
seed <- 1
subjectID <- unique(sample_metadata$subjectID)

# Trigger 5-fold CV (Outer Loop) #

subjectCvFoldsIN <- createFolds(1:length(subjectID), k = 5, returnTrain=TRUE)

# Curate subject-level samples per fold #

obsIndexIn <- vector("list", 5)
for(k in 1:length(obsIndexIn)){
  x <- which(!sample_metadata$subjectID %in% subjectID[subjectCvFoldsIN[[k]]])
  obsIndexIn[[k]] <- x
names(obsIndexIn) <- sapply(1:5, function(x) paste(c("fold", x), collapse = ''))

# Set up data for SL training #

cvControl = list(V = 5, shuffle = FALSE, validRows = obsIndexIn)

# Stacked generalization input data preparation #

feature_metadata$featureType <- as.factor(feature_metadata$featureType)
name_layers <- with(
    list(levels = levels(featureType)), nlevels = nlevels(featureType))$levels
SL_fit_predictions <- vector("list", length(name_layers))
SL_fit_layers <- vector("list", length(name_layers))
names(SL_fit_layers) <- name_layers
names(SL_fit_predictions) <- name_layers
X_train_layers <- vector("list", length(name_layers))
names(X_train_layers) <- name_layers
layer_wise_predictions_train <- vector("list", length(name_layers))
names(layer_wise_predictions_train) <- name_layers

Next, we run the late fusion algorithm described in Mallick et al. (2023). To this end, we subset the data for each feature type and conduct the analysis on each layer for the first-stage learning to predict the outcome. In other words, we fit a machine learning algorithm per layer (called a ‘base learner’), utilizing the SuperLearner R package.

Mallick, Himel, Anupreet Porwal, Satabdi Saha, Piyali Basak, Vladimir Svetnik, and Erina Paul. 2023. “An Integrated Bayesian Framework for Multi-Omics Prediction and Classification.” Statistics in Medicine 43 (5): 983–1002. https://doi.org/10.1002/sim.9953.

# Subset data per omics and run each individual layers #

for (i in seq_along(name_layers)){

    # Prepare single-omic input data
    include_list <- feature_metadata %>% filter(featureType == name_layers[i])
    t_dat_slice <- feature_table[
        rownames(feature_table) %in% include_list$featureID, ]
    dat_slice <- as.data.frame(t(t_dat_slice))
    Y = sample_metadata$Y
    X = dat_slice
    X_train_layers[[i]] <- X

    # Run user-specified base learner

    SL_fit_layers[[i]] <- SuperLearner(
        Y = Y,
        X = X,
        cvControl = cvControl,
        SL.library = c('SL.randomForest'),
        family = binomial())

    # Append the corresponding y and X to the results
    SL_fit_layers[[i]]$Y <- sample_metadata['Y']
    SL_fit_layers[[i]]$X <- X

    # Remove redundant data frames and collect pre-stack predictions
    SL_fit_predictions[[i]] <- SL_fit_layers[[i]]$Z

    # Re-fit to entire dataset for final predictions
    layer_wise_predictions_train[[i]] <- SL_fit_layers[[i]]$SL.predict


The next step of the analysis is to combine the layer-wise cross-validated predictions with a meta-model (meta_learner) to generate final predictions based on all available data points for the stacked model. Here, we will use glmnet as the meta-learner. However, other choices are also possible.

# Prepare stacked input data #

combo <- as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, SL_fit_predictions))
names(combo) <- name_layers

# Set aside final predictions #

combo_final <- as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, layer_wise_predictions_train))
names(combo_final) <- name_layers

# Stack all models #

# Run user-specified meta learner
SL_fit_stacked <- SuperLearner(
    Y = Y,
    X = combo,
    cvControl = cvControl,
    verbose = TRUE,
    SL.library = 'SL.glmnet',
    family = binomial())

# Extract the fit object from superlearner
model_stacked <- SL_fit_stacked$fitLibrary[[1]]$object
stacked_prediction_train <- predict.SuperLearner(
    SL_fit_stacked, newdata = combo_final)$pred

# Append the corresponding y and X to the results
SL_fit_stacked$Y <- sample_metadata['Y']
SL_fit_stacked$X <- combo

In contrast to late fusion, in early fusion, we will simply supply a combined representation of the data and we will use the random forest method for building an integrated prediction model.



# Early Fusion using Random Forest
SL_fit_concat <- SuperLearner(
    Y = Y,
    X = fulldat,
    cvControl = cvControl,
    SL.library = 'SL.randomForest',
    family = binomial())

# Extract the fit object from SuperLearner
model_concat <- SL_fit_concat$fitLibrary[[1]]$object

# Append the corresponding y and X to the results
SL_fit_concat$Y <- sample_metadata['Y']
SL_fit_concat$X <- fulldat

Finally, we consider the intermediate fusion approach, which combines ideas from both late fusion and early fusion by integrating the usual squared-error loss of predictions with an “agreement” (fusion) penalty (\(\rho\)) so that the predictions from different data views agree.

The intermediate fusion adjusts the degree of fusion in an adaptive manner, where the test set prediction error is estimated with a cross-validation method. By varying the weight of the fusion penalty - hyperparameter \(\rho\), we obtain the early and late fusion approaches as special cases. If \(\rho = 0\), we have a simple form of early fusion; if \(\rho = 1\), we obtain a simple form of late fusion. For \(0 < \rho < 1\), we obtain the intermediate fusion.

Here, as examples, we will prepare the input data, fit the multiview model, and run the cross-validation in this section.

# Prepare data for multiview #

# Separate omics layers
feature_metadata$featureType <- as.factor(feature_metadata$featureType)
name_layers <- with(
    list(levels = levels(featureType)),
    nlevels = nlevels(featureType)

# Define a list
dataList <- vector("list", length = length(name_layers))
names(dataList) <- name_layers
##  Pathways  Species 
##       358      124

# Select indices of Pathways and Species rows
pathways_ind <- which(feature_metadata$featureType == "Pathways")
species_ind <- which(feature_metadata$featureType == "Species")

# Create two data lists for pathways and species
dataList[[1]] <- t(feature_table[pathways_ind, ])
dataList[[2]] <- t(feature_table[species_ind, ])

# Extract y and X's
dataList <- lapply(dataList, as.matrix)
dataList <- lapply(dataList, scale)

# Run cross-validation #


cvfit <- cv.multiview(dataList, Y, family = binomial(), alpha = 0.5)
DD <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(coef_ordered(cvfit, s="lambda.min", alpha = 0.5)))
DD$standardized_coef <- as.numeric(DD$standardized_coef)
DD$coef <- as.numeric(DD$coef)

In this section, we visualize the prediction performance by gathering all predictions and extracting the data necessary for ROC plotting, corresponding to each integration paradigm.

# Gather all predictions and ROC curve data preparation #

coop_pred <- predict(
    cvfit, newx = dataList, s = "lambda.min",
    alpha = 0.5, type = "response")
yhat.train <- cbind(
    combo,stacked_prediction_train, SL_fit_concat$Z, coop_pred)
colnames(yhat.train) <- c(
    colnames(combo), "Late Fusion", "Early Fusion", "Intermediate Fusion")

# Extract ROC plot data
list.ROC <- vector("list", length = ncol(yhat.train))
names(list.ROC) <- colnames(yhat.train)

# Loop over layers

for(k in 1:length(list.ROC)){
    preds <- yhat.train[ ,k]
    pred <- prediction(preds, Y)
    AUC <- round(performance(pred, "auc")@y.values[[1]], 2)
    perf <- performance(pred, "sens", "spec")
    list.ROC[[k]] <- data.frame(
        sensitivity = slot(perf, "y.values")[[1]],
        specificity = 1 - slot(perf, "x.values")[[1]],
        AUC = AUC,
        layer = names(list.ROC)[k])

# Combine
ROC_table <- do.call('rbind', list.ROC)

Based on the ROC plot described below, we observe that the AUC is 0.65 when considering only the pathway abundance data in the model, and 0.64 for the model including only the species abundance data. The AUC increases to 0.68 when using the early fusion model and reaches 1 with the late fusion model. In contrast, the intermediate fusion model achieves an AUC of 0.99. Overall, most integrated classifiers outperform individual layers in distinguishing between IBD and non-IBD controls.

# Prepare data for plotting
plot_data <- ROC_table
plot_data$displayItem <- paste(plot_data$layer, " AUC = ", plot_data$AUC, sep="")
plot_data$displayItem <- factor(
    plot_data$displayItem, levels = unique(plot_data$displayItem))

# ROC curves
p <- ggplot(
    aes(x = specificity,
    y = sensitivity,
    group = displayItem)) +
    geom_line(aes(x = specificity,y = sensitivity,color = displayItem)) +
        legend.position = "bottom",
        legend.box.background=element_rect(colour = "black")) +
    theme_bw() +
    xlab("False Positive Rate") +
    ylab("True Positive Rate") +
    theme(legend.position = "right", legend.direction = "vertical") +
    labs(color = '')

# Print

Finally, we visualize the results for the top 20 features for each layer based on the intermediate fusion.

# Only plot 20 features per layer
DD <- DD %>%
  group_by(view) %>%
  top_n(n = 20, wt = abs(standardized_coef))

DD$view_col <- gsub(":.*", "", DD$view_col)

# Visualization

p <- DD %>%
    mutate(view_col = fct_reorder(view_col, standardized_coef)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = view_col, y = standardized_coef, fill = view, width = 0.75)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", show.legend = FALSE, width = 1) +
    coord_flip() +
    facet_wrap(~ view, scales = 'free_y', nrow = 2) +
    ylab('Standardized LFC') +
    xlab('') +
    #labs(title = "IBD-associated\nmulti-omics features") +
    ggtitle('IBD-associated\nmulti-omics features') +
    theme_bw() + theme(
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5),
        strip.background  = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey80"),
        panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks = element_line(size = 0),
        panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major.y = element_blank())

Based on the barplot, we observe that is the species most positively associated, while is the most negatively associated species. Additionally, L-lysine biosynthesis VI is the pathway most positively associated, and PYRIDNUSCYN-PWY: NAD biosynthesis I (from aspartate) is the pathway most positively associated, respectively.

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